Page name: The Singers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-22 17:58:59
Last author: Coldfire1
Owner: Coldfire1
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Singers of the Day

Here we have a form for those who want to be Signers and the rules of Song of the Day


The month of December

Wait list

Week of choice
Idea for Theme



   Singers are the people who go onto Youtube and post great AMVs for elftowners. They are all anime and they all go along to a theme picked by the singer of the week.Singers are all volenters.To become a singer simply put you name in the waiting list along with the week you wish to become a singer.You must be sure you will be able to post one song each day for the week assigned to you.Before choicing a theme it is wise to have 7 selected so you on't run out of good amvs. (Theme songs of animes are aloud but don't put to many down)
   One can be a Singer more then once. PLEASE do not pick a theme another singer has already chosen without a few weeks imbetween.Mixed animes are aloud if that is the theme.Note, a week is from Mon-Sun. Other things to keep in mind are: That music videos that are from a show, but include the acual singer are alowed.If one is haveing trouble there can be multible themes. And just incase a signer is unable to do their week,its fine and the singer will just have to do thier week in the next open space.

If you have a question about these rules please ask,i'm still working on them


***************************Week #(name of anime/theme)********************

Date <------- Most resont date so when you go on the site you see the song for that day
(song title)

Continued in same form..........

at end...
Singer # (then screen name of singer)

If its your week just remind me if i'm on.You can put up the song one day at a time so that at the end you have 7 songs.If you signed up remember to check for you week date.I'll try to send you a reminder a day before.

Most reasont Singers

For the whole list got to Singer archive

All singers can have this badge of thanks: <img:>

Back to Song of the Day

Username (or number or email):


2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: isnt that pretending to be a singer your not. *blinkblink*

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: hey coldfire where do i put my name

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: ^^ right, you are just the person you picks the songs and theme of the week

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: under volenters (do in format)

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: o i get it ok

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: what Format

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: lol read what it says under what is a singer if you have any questions

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: *sighs* it says it right there

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: ok i will do it soon my mom is yelling at me so see ya

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: tee hee hee

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: so avatar do you want to be a singer?

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: sure. but im confused on how to be one. 

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: ok. now what do i do?

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: *hits head into table* READ 'What do singers do' on the bottom of the page

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: i am! i just dont know what tyhe idea is for,. you told us if we had questions ask..

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: ok,for format you would put example: [Coldfire1] ,april 2-9, Bleach

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: If you are chosen to be a singer for that entiar week everyday you post a song following the theme

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: that h=just confused me... mabie i should wait?

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: lol , you like the show FF right?so if your a singer you post a song that has to do with FF,everyday for one week

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: yes. I love videogames. Shrivil up and die without. lol. ok. but then i shouldnt do the url. right?

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: ? you ony need the url to the song when you post it on 'song of the day'

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: oh yeah. eh heh heh. so i put my user name. then the url then the idea. like i could do all final fantasy advent children al week or somethionhg>

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: the last word was something. sorry. ^^'

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: *sigh* for the forat you just put your name the week you want to be the singer and the idea the theme you want ,no url yet

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: ok. just the ida. i think i got it. im realy confused and getting rid of dorry

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: its ok

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: and the choice i can put final fantasy and thenmy idea.

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: thats it. *smacks head* mmmmmmmmmm.......Nanoda no baka dis....-_-

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: hey coldfire so put april10- thats when i do it

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: yes ^^ your now an offical singer. I think zabuza is going to try for the for one of the weeks aswell

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: woootttt! ^o^ I DID IT AT LAST! wheeeeee!1!! 8dances in circles* heehee. thats when AC comes out in us i hear :P

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: *blink* why does my name have a star next to it though...

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: lol just a note but a week is mon -sun. so it would either be 3-9, 10-17, 18-24, or 25-30 something

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: but that is the date. *blinkblink*

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: so i will be 10-17 or what???

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: if you want to be *feels really stupid*

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: I feel smart! :D

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: u said i could do in not this week but next week i don't get it?????

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: i need to stop thinking

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: ha ha *scarcastic**

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: lol zabuza just take 10-17 i'll put you in under volenteer if you don't get the format

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: what the diffen between volenteer and just a singer

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: mm,you right that is comfueing. The voleenter list is were poelpe who want to be singers register.After the singer is finished with their week their name goes under former singers

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